Rent This Property
This property and the availability calendar is online. Get current rates and book your vacation. Save the most when you call us direct. Rates are from $799-$1189 per night. 3 night minimum.
- Winter
- $ 799
- December 1 - April 30
- 20% off on 7+ nights
- 15% off on 5+ nights
- Winter Holiday
- $ 1189
- Xmas Week/ New Years' Week
- Presidents
- 4-7 Night minimums
- Summer
- $ 649
- June 1 - September 3
- 20% Off 7+ nights
- 15% Off 5+ nights
- Summer Events
- $ 899
- Independence Week
- Bluesapalooza
- 4 Night Minimums
- Regular
- $ 799
- Return Guests 15% off
- Ikon Pass Holders 15% off
- 30+ Day Rentals 40% off
Note: Prices may vary. Full Refund Cancellation is 30 days before arrival. Payment is 50% at booking. Save by calling us direct.
Pets: $125
Business License #7437 This rental conforms to the "Quality of Life Guidelines" established by the town of Mammoth Lakes.